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Collecting debt for utility companies

Collecting debt for utility companies

Case study of Eesti Energia Group (Enefit), the largest producer of electricity from traditional and renewable sources in the Baltic States. Interview with Vytenis Koryza, General Manager of Enefit Lithuania.

Ethics and business

At Intrum we set high standards for ourselves and aim to change how people perceive the credit management industry. Each situation is unique and has its own social and economic realities. We strive to understand individuals, different perspectives and always treat others with dignity and respect – both our clients and their customers. This understanding enables us to provide more value and find deeper meaning in our work. Ultimately, ethical debt collection is not only the right thing to do, but also is worth doing from a business perspective. Why?

Helps clients maintain a positive reputation and build trust with their customers.

Treating customers with respect and empathy makes our clients more likely to retain their business and avoid negative reviews or legal action. Ethical debt collection also helps to ensure compliance with laws and regulations.

Ensures customers are treated fairly and with dignity, even in difficult financial situations.

We work with customers to find mutually acceptable payment arrangements rather than resorting to aggressive or harassing tactics. This approach can help reduce customer stress and anxiety and prevent further financial difficulties.

Has broader societal benefits.

By treating customers with respect and empathy, we can help to reduce the stigma associated with debt and financial hardship. This can encourage more people to seek help when needed, rather than suffering in silence or resorting to extreme measures. 

... Download and read the full case study and interview with Vytenis Koryzna. 

We can help you improve your cashflow with ethical debt collection

Drop us your contacts and we'll get in touch.

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